Thursday, March 29, 2012

Sustainability Paradoxes

Let us reflect on what I call sustainability paradoxes. My contribution is limited to give you just a few examples of such paradoxes and I let the reader explore it further, from a sustainability perspective and those who like, from a systemic perspective, too.

The underlying principle to solve sustainability paradoxes lies in exploring the sources, causing unsustainable and unhealthy lifestyles, in contrary to unsustainable developments that look at short-term reactions and solutions for the diagnosis and treatment of symptoms.

The Education Paradox: providing a sound education is a prerequisite for sustainable behavior and lifestyle. Knowledge transferred needs to be avant-garde, genuine and relevant with regards to sustainability. Unfortunately some university professor bases his lecture on Wikipedia. The lecture itself is unstructured, and consists in introducing perhaps not obsolete, but neither new nor genuine notions, using the definitions again from Wikipedia. Wikipedia is structured in a hierarchical way, so he finds it easy to fill a two hours lecture. Also the said professor refers to the articles, mentioned in Wikipedia. And overall the professor hides his incompetence, weakness and irrelevance using psyche, tactics and authority to reduce and submit the student in the auditorium: “yes, thank you and you make a good point, but actually you do not understand the real subject of my lecture, but I as professor have the authority of really knowing and understanding”, what he has read in Wikipedia the night before. The summit of his incompetence and arrogance is revealed to the students, when he uses examples in support of theory, he fails to remember and mixes up, using the wrong example to support one theory, instead of the other. He continues his lecture in bringing in all types of notions, generating a great chaos of notions, models, graphs, etc, so that at the end, no one really understands, what he is talking about. He then rounds up his lecture with a slide, which we could compare to an ad or poster of a super-market chain, presenting all kinds of brands and products. Thank you professor, all the students leave in frustration, two hours lost in their lives, two hours invested with no return for sustainability.

Not without adding that Wikipedia is a great information source, where we can find support for sustainable lifestyles.

Overall the main paradox is that while the quality of education is degrading rapidly, study fees are increasing sharply.

Climate Change Paradox: global warming, melting Arctic and Antartica, ice-shelfs, glaciers, inundations, mass extinction, rising sea-level, droughts. Despite these facts, we continue to guzzle fossil fuel and to exploit further and deeper sources of fossil fuel, releasing increasing amounts of CO2 into the atmosphere, while being aware of the risks and threats to our civilization.

Politics Paradox: politicians are leaders and role-model. Still we have to acknowledge that there are exposed to the games of power all the time. Politics as an institution is characterized through opposing forces. What is needed is good politics through alignment to solve global crises, not in challenging options, solutions and tax resource allocations, but alignment in acknowledging the crises and to look for solutions with positive outcomes together.

Renewable Energy Paradox: to build the infrastructure for renewable energy we need all the legacy coal, oil, gas, hydro and nuclear energy. Rather than using these energy sources for anything else, we really need to focus and prioritize how this energy is used towards sustainability.

Future Generation Paradox: while we understand the notion of sustainability and “sustainable development, as a development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs (Gro Harlem Brundtland, WCED 1987)”, we irrespectively completely deplete Earth’s non-renewable resources. The definition also refers to ethics, moral and equity, intra-generational (todays generations, North-South debate) and intergenerational (future generations) justice. While corporations have adopted an ethics etiquette (prior to the green etiquette) in establishing ethics committees, their independence as well as their efficiency can be put into question, considering the laxity and inertia with which equity and sustainability measures are revealed and implemented.

Consumer Paradox: While some companies have adopted green etiquettes, the western world proceeds with being individualist, materialist and consumerist, business-as-usual, maintaining resource intensive lifestyles, producing for consuming and vice-versa. We are all aware that our biosphere which we consider as a free common and which we can use at no cost, has rapidly decreasing capacity, in particular with growing populations and lifestyles globally. Also non-renewable resources including rainforest that are owned and valued will soon be exhausted, some already this century, some others a century later. The eastern world adopts western lifestyles, again mainly driven by fossil energy resources. Our global footprint is exceeding our planet’s bio- or carrying capacity. The world is locked-in in western social consumption pattern, western social norms and behaviors, causing short-term personal material gain and long-term individual and social crises globally.

Polluted Nations Paradox: isn’t it the consequence of the west, exporting its production into nations with lax environmental law and regulations?

Lost Generation Paradox: while we criticize the young generations and their lifestyles, tobacco and alcohol industries perform unprecedented growth and performance. Can these industries, which per se are not considered sustainable, transform themselves, take responsibility towards sustainable development of our youth and society, helping them to prosper and to give them perspective and optimism for a bright and healthy future? Other industries benefit from lost generations, too, including pharmaceutical companies through the increasing demand and production of anti-depressant, professionals including psychologists, psycho-therapists and also illegal production, trade and trafficking of all sorts of drugs. It is an evolution one could describe from the child’s paradise and dream world into hell and inferno.

Rather than excluding the tobacco and alcohol industry, I would include it in the sustainability process and make them take their responsibilities!

Health Paradox: extractive, chemical and pharmaceutical industries release pollutants and produce contamination of our biosphere producing plenty of sources of health issues and cancer development in human and other beings. It is true that scientific progress, healthier environments and lifestyles for those who can afford, allows us to live longer lives. But like the word implies, chemotherapy makes use of treatment and oncology medication from chemical and pharmaceutical industries in combatting diseases in a reactive mode.

Black Car Paradox: black car, black suit. Black dyes and colors are used to impress people, as a mode to create an atmosphere of fear and authority with the purpose to impress and subordinate people. Black is the color we also associate to burial and the dead. I remember when some people wore a black knob to express that someone has died in his or her family and that the person is mourning. To wear black suits and drive black cars, it also needs comfort, a lot of space and a lot of air conditioning during hot summer days. Those who wear and drive black, could adapt thus really engage and commit to sustainability in bringing more color in their and our lives.

Pedestrian and Bikers Paradox: More people using public transportation increase also the number of pedestrians in the streets. Also the number of bikers on both traditional bikes and e-bikes is increasing. Unfortunately we also witness an increasing number of fatalities on pedestrian crosswalks and from car-struck bikers. When do politicians understand that to promote and support such sustainable behaviors and willing people, more space and safety is needed to promote and protect such sustainable behaviors, and that supporting car and other CO2 emitting and polluting lobbies, even if they fund your party, are not the way to go but rather a dead-end.

Pets and Dogs Paradox: in western society, some dog, food and pharmaceutical “animal health” industry see big business and money in producing and providing special meals and diets for dogs. It seems that in our western world, dogs have become too fat, so there is a huge market for dogs to go on diet. I would also hypothesize that some humans favor dogs rather than entering in a relation with the other sex or other people. In other parts of the world, people actually eat dogs. In your point of view what is more sustainable?

There are many more sustainability paradoxes you can in your lives each day. It is good to think about them, engage with those concerned in a positive and constructive way.

Uncertainty and fear blocks progress in solving these paradoxes. Therefore engaging together in small groups in positive and open dialogue are the right way to go.

In “The Necessary Revolution”, Peter Senge (2008) from MIT Sloan School of Management, Leadership and Sustainability presents approaches and frameworks, illustrated through case studies, on how sustainability in corporations can be achieved. My message to the corporate world is that the sustainability revolution is necessary and needs to be radical. For this people, people in corporations from top to base, need to get out of there defense and open up for dialogue, take and allocate a large amount of their time to work on sustainability, make their processes more sustainable, and when needed radically reinvent their business, products, services. When starting with sustainability projects and enterprise, we should not have our expectations to high. Like Peter Senge states correctly, it is a process of learning in the organization(s), a process in which we learn from trial and error, and with successes, which in the beginning can turn out to be small. What counts is working together in small groups with peers and people from various divisions and units, becoming better and better over time with increasing experience, leading to even greater achievements towards sustainability.

Sustainability projects not only take place in the big corporate world. They need to become part of our everyday life. Sustainability needs to become our lifestyle and become part of every aspects in our life, either in private, family, neighborhood community, public life, at our workplace, in our leisure time and more.

What is most important is that we persist in seeking and engaging in dialogue. You don’t need to be a top executive earning 100 million dollars a year, even if he or she would have more time and resources to actually do so. Whoever you are and whatever your situation is, you really have to persist in seeking and engaging in dialogue. Talk, send emails, skype, tweet, facebook etc. You will get in touch with a lot of people who don’t care, who don’t see a “value” in sustainability and sustainable behaviors, sustainable consumptions and productions. If you are aware of that it will make your life easier and more enjoyable. There are many people who don’t care. There are also a lot of people who do care. The point is that you only need to be persistent, in order to meet the right people, who also decided to follow the path of sustainability. Go with the flow of sustainability, and we will have a great time with friends and making great experiences and meet great people working on great sustainability projects with you and many many other peoples, groups and networks. You might feel alone today, your life might seem difficult with a lot of troubles. Engaging in sustainability networks and projects, your life will look definitely brighter tomorrow.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Cooperatives and anarchism

Working through cooperatives I found some groups that identify themselves with anarchies and anarchism, by ideology and/or purpose (see also libertarianism and Taoism ). While in literature anarchism is sometimes referred to a stream of philosophy, I would rather attribute anarchism and anarchist theory to a form of ideologist movement, which can be more or less utopian. While theories and movements of anarchism can be situated on multidimensional continua from “pacifist” to “extremist (e.g. Galleanist)”, “individualist” to “social”, “socialism” to “capitalism”, “feminist a.”, “green or eco a.”, and more, anarchism as a notion has a connotation to violence: “anarchists must always have anarchy as their end and consequently refrain from committing to any particular method of achieving it (Alexandre Skirda 2002)”.

I hypothesize that present’s world challenges need a Great Transformation, based on principles going beyond traditional philosophical or pseudo-philosophical mainstream: “What is left from and for philosophy when it has lost its source of thinking, the humans and our civilization?”

Born in 1956 in Switzerland, I witnessed anarchism in Europe and former fascist nations through media: the Brigate Rosse BR in Italy (Red Brigades, 1970-2007, seventy-five deaths) and the Red Army Fraction RAF in Germany (from 1970 to 1998, thirty-four deaths), both left-wing extremist and terrorist groups.

This is why I clearly distance myself from anarchism as an ideology and notion. Also, because one might ask “which or what anarchism”? In the past and today, anarchism picks up quasi any mainstream movement. Even in making it an adjective to anarchism, mainstream themes transformed and used as adjectives become subject to anarchist subordination. Thus this is also a call to those, who position themselves within the anarchist context, to rethink whether this is, what they really pursue to achieve: ideological subordination, confusion and misunderstandings of what their adherence to anarchism stands for. Is anarchism experiencing a major identity crisis? We would rather name crucial issues and topics we want to think about by their proper name, so everybody understands, to start with, what we are talking about or what we are referring to.

I would rather invite people to rethink about the values and ideologies for our societies and define a prime mainstream movement, which develops and provides solutions to solve today’s world problems, not only the ones we experience locally or in our Western mature economies, also the ones concerning all continents of the world. I am aware of the complexity of these problems and crises, and we need to find new ways of thinking to embrace and understand cultures, which are fundamentally different, which we cannot explain through mental models which developed over centuries our cultural mindset and beyond the latter challenge we have to solve problems that have become global in nature such as the world’s economic, energy and vital resources, and climate change crises.

I was raised in a family in which we experienced deception and violence on the paternal side throughout the 60ies and 70ies. As a consequence one result of such coercion can be described as the Betrayal of the Self, a theory developed by the The Swiss-German psychologist Arno Gruen

We could hypothesize that anarchism is a consequence of individual and social coercion and deception during and after the second world war and times of Nazism and fascism? Let us review some of the topics debated in anarchism.

The need for state: State has a important role in putting up laws and regulations, which in democracies sets the guidelines on how we interact with each other in a civic world.

The State also regulates public and private state. The State therefore takes the role to allow for private property and also, referring to the tragedy of the commons (Garrett Hardin 1968), how public space is to be preserved and used by the public and citizens.

Stateless societies are both utopian and a state which is not desirable. An ideology that pursues the goal that any asset whether natural or human-made, should be owned and controlled by individual groups or individuals leads to chaos and anarchy. Do collectivities in their steady state not resemble exactly to some sort of society or societies and government, similar to States?

Referring to the Arab Spring and Jasmine Revolutions in 2011, these revolutions where not founded on anarchist principles, but to transform a government, from authority and dictatorship to a government, which represents the people and citizens, country and government founded on rights and responsibilities of democracy.

Hierarchy is the consequence of natural evolution: I often refer to nature or bio-mimicry to develop concepts, models and argumentation. I also could refer to religion. Religion is something very personal and philosophical. So I do not want to explore that aspect of the question, still it is legitimate to put the anarchist ideology in the context of religion and culture, in the US the majority adhering to Christianism, while other cultures and nations adhering to different believes and religions.

The rational for hierarchy and hierarchical system can be found in Darwinist evolution theory. Each living species and society are organized in a hierarchical way. This is also true in our civilization and human society. The objective of anarchism to achieve non-hierarchical societies is against nature and the natural ways, life and human societies organize and interact on our planet.

What we should pursue and adhere to are equity, intra- and forward looking intergenerational justice and equal rights for all people on our planet. In pursuing at the global level human rights and solutions to solving global crises I adhere to the notion and objective of a Great Transformation. It is evident that the basis to achieve Great Transformation are democratic systems and solutions.

With the present global crises, while these have to be addressed at different scales, local, national, regional and international, I cannot imagine that this can be achieved without the involvement of states and governments.

This is why I am quite surprised how cooperatives who have the potential and eventually are predestined to help solving these crises at the decentralized local neighborhood level, would adhere to anarchist ideology?

And those who lead or want to lead in an anarchist system, I do not see how they would abandon hierarchy? Isn’t it inherent to a society where someone leads and some others submit and follow their leader, that such a society is based on a hierarchical system? And an ideology is in contradiction with itself, if its adherents pursue collective goals, while at the same time, its foundation is rationalist and utilitarian (cf. William Godwin), follows utilitarian market mechanism, some of which are radical, individualist and egoist, striving privatization of all public space through private or collective ownership? In that case doesn’t anarchist ideology has a lot of similarities and traits comparable to the capitalist system which brought us the 2008 financial crises and a deep recession?

To conclude, in my opinion neither radical left-wing anarchism nor rational utilitarian capitalism are models adapted to crises and problem solving through cooperatives, cooperative networks and collectivist systems.

Instead, public and private partnership are needed in support of cooperatives, and problem solving is ideally realized trough decentralized civic systems based on democratic rights and responsibilities.

To conclude on Arno Gruen’s theory on the Betrayal of the Self: to develop solutions together, collectively within cooperatives, we need to be able to rely on each other and build relationship that our founded on deep trust, empathy and compassion, love and peace to achieve common goals for the good of our societies, nature and environment, and mother Earth. While collectivist purposes, value and the need for autonomy are not mutually exclusive, but rather complementary and necessary for the development of human individuals, we need the healing of our souls, our souls which in our childhood were pristine and pure, which in the past decades and years have been deceived and distorted into pathology.

Gruen defines “autonomy as that state of integration in which we live in full harmony with our feelings and needs. It is a natural state of being experienced in early childhood when the infant is loved unconditionally and without the need to earn this love by the self-sacrifice of submission.”

Only through trust, love and compassion we find back to our Self, move away from self-alienation and submission, to the fresh and clear sources that help us heal and clean our soul deceived from growing social violence, to find back to our humanitarian traits, to build a foundation for personal courage and social responsibility in societies, where collectivism and cooperatives are increasingly gaining in importance.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Don Quijote - Knight of a Lost Planet

It is springtime. The weather is nice and temperatures are fair. The economy is picking up again. Economy safety umbrellas spread over the world. People are happy again, the economic future looks bright, while the climatic and ecological situation on our planet is worsening. By the way, how sustainable is the newly injected money into the global economy, helping to mitigate systemic financial risk? Leading economists don’t believe that this is actually sustainable. It is just delaying urgent reforms and preventing measures and policy, which would prevent the climate and environment from further degradation. But it seems that we have no choice and alternatives. Still economists and regulators should work hard to come up with more resilient, long-term and sustainable solutions, taking into account the costs caused by further degradation of our planet through climate change, global warming and environmental change. By the way what value should be given to human beings in these computations? The values of their assets? Are there other human values to be considered? Isn’t it scandalous that some consider a value of null for humans? Isn’t that immoral, unjust? What about their skills, their knowledge, should we give it a value?

To come back to our tragic human condition, what can we do if the majority of people only think and focus on the short-term? Nothing. It is tragic, it is the human condition and the majority doesn’t care about sustainability or future generations. Still there is enormous energy globally to move the democratization process forward, globally. I believe in the good, and there is hope, as long as the good can get organized and come up with sustainable solutions.

What about science? We can create new knowledge. But what if nobody makes good use of this knowledge? Why does science not prioritize their funds into the safeguard of humanity? Because we are not able to anticipate, because science has become more of a religion, of group think, professors sticking to their knowledge and competence and mainstream science, rather than challenging their thinking and knowledge creation processes? Instead of science challenging science, science is in a reactive mode, driven by uncertainty of our future, our climate, as well as policy uncertainty. Science has brought us progress and comfort. But only to some of the world’s population. As we have seen through history, science or the way, scientific knowledge has been used, constitutes also a major threat to our civilization.

Science feeds policy makers with new knowledge and information. Besides using it for a purely political purpose, who cares? Climate change skeptics and the oil lobby? Must be the human condition again. Science feeds politics, and politics invests into science and research, in a symbioses, as part of the establishment.

But again there are exceptions. Leading universities and scientists who started investigating about climatic and environmental issues already decades ago from independent minds and visions, who today are at the forefront in scientific research relating to the challenges, humanity is facing today and in the decades to come.

But exactly these scientists have become the victims of industrial lobbying and misleading scientific research, with lobbyists funding the wrong cause. Leading scientists who are part of our global and local solutions should get all the attention and research funding needed. They will set up the foundation for future generations.

So still, there is hope, but scientists are confronted with a legacy of people, who, under the influence of lobbyists try to oppose change and progress in threatening the life of scientists and their families, and in spreading misleading information to the public.

Yes it is sad, but it is typical for a society who lacks good vision, purpose, believes and values, a system and a society of individualists and egoists who have traded their virtues against egoism, greed, money and corruption.

Large multi-national corporations? The big players are in the anti-climate business: producing or using fossil fuel. What can they do? Lobbies use disinformation and tactics against climate and environmental friendly policy, securing short term financial benefits, and benefiting from economic safety umbrella, e.g. industries like the finance sector, presenting the systemic risks to the economy and our society, investing in large legacy enterprise or buying bonds from bankrupt states. So what can we do about it? Nothing. It is just what the mainstream economists think makes sense and is best for our society.

What about sustainability? Why should we care? Even if we are told that our planet’s surface temperature increases by 6° C by the end of the century (or earlier?) the people who really govern our planet today won’t live anymore, so they don’t care. And why should the young generation care? Perhaps at 6°C is an even more fun planet? Probably they find more fun things to do today and party, than thinking about the next 50 years of their life, and bringing their youth and energy to those and the communities who most need it? And what about the newborn and little children? It is normal that mothers are concerned about their little ones. But as long as the cavern and its near environment is cozy and friendly, why worry about such a strange phenomena we call global warming?

It is just too far away, out of reach, a situation, calling us for anticipation and precautionary behavior, we never had to deal with before. This is something, people just don’t want to be bothered. If we don’t get our pay, we should bother about this one first. If we loose our job, what counts most than get a new one? Because it is important for me, my wife, my children? Who cares about future generations, who will live 50 years from now? You should because your children and grandchildren may still be alive.

Why should you worry? Your friends are not worrying, your neighbor isn’t worrying neither. It is getting warmer. So what? Why should we retrofit our houses and flats when after an ice-cold winter period we found ourselves with a 30°C temperature increase and enough heat where we are happy for any fresh breeze, crossing our rooms, or a cool thick stone wall, maintaining nice a fresh temperatures. Because hot, cold and other extremes come and go, more frequently than in the past.

At least we should recognize and perhaps worry that our climate system is out of balance? But who cares? We still see large traffic jams, SUVs and trucks every morning, at noon, every evening. Trucks shipping goods back and forth, for each processing and distribution step. Climate is changing yes, but people don’t care. Why should they? Gasoline prices are low. We can air-travel and city-hop every weekend for less money than the price of a train-ride across Switzerland. Isn’t that beautiful? And we don’t have to worry about having 3 cars in our family, since we can drive around all together at the same time thanks to highly subsidized fossil- and biofuel. Lately on a beautiful warm and sunny day in Bern, I saw a lady with her husband, sitting in a parked Mercedes, with the motor running, doing here make-up, polluting the entire neighborhood. Isn’t that great? And why should we care about the 2 billion, who have to struggle every day in their lives? They never will be a threat to us. And as long you are ok, why should you worry about people living so far away?

And at that point we should ask ourselves, if nobody cares, why should anybody care? Should we care about our civilization? Is there any value in the homo sapiens, homo oikonomikos? My daughter, living in the U.S., told me lately: “Daddy it is great what you are doing and I am really proud of you. But I have to let you know that here, nobody gives a shit about the environment and climate change”. It is sad, but for the majority, she is certainly right. And what if your city or area is hit by a tornado or a hurricane? It hurts. And it just happens. As long as it does not happen to you, in your backyard, you don’t care. But when you are among the victims, there it is or was, and it just happened, and this is why nobody cares whether your home is destroyed, whether you lost a beloved one, it’s because people they never cared, and they never gonna care in the future, neither for you, nor for themselves.

What about disasters that happen at the scale of the planet? Well it just happens in some places, more or less far away. And we don’t know what it is like unless it is here in our backyard, now. And we did not care, why should we care? It just happens. People are drown, swept away by tsunamis, buried alive under a tornado or destroyed through a hurricane, not any type of people, your children, your loved ones, your families, your nearest friends, the living and the material, we emotionally where so attached to. We lost them, they are gone forever. It is the price we accept to pay for not caring. It is the price we negotiated with nature, they price we agree to pay, living as we live today, without caring for anyone else, without caring about our planet. They are gone, our planet is gone, and we can’t bring them back to live. It is the price we agreed to pay in our pact with the Devil, like Faustus and Mephistopheles did. Yes, you decided early to sell your soul to the Devil.

What about the few exotic greenies? The tiny group of nostalgic baby-boomers, Woodstock Generation, of the countercultural (r)evolution? You must have been there to understand what has happened, what it was like. People forget, time passes by and also you will be history soon. The tiny network of those who know that our civilization and its institutions is seriously sick and wrong-minded bringing down our planet and self-destroying the global population?

Let’s take another example to illustrate our helplessness and incapacity. Syria. Although in the western world we are positive that democracy thrives and helps the opposition to build a new government and country, based on the foundation of democracy, the government cannot make the democracy work. Government leads, represents, but it is the citizens who are in charge to fight and institute democracy. As citizen we cannot expect any globally united forces or organization like red cross, medecins sans frontier or United Nations Organizations to change the government of a country in a few hours, even if people are victims of tortures and executions. It is also the disenchantment and disappointing illusion of bohemian revolutions or “soft” evolutions. Revolutionary changes not only cost blood and human sacrifices. Such changes are complex and only possible if they meet the systemic and geopolitical interests of foreign nations and their geopolitical and economic stakes in these countries. Even if such revolutions might appear chaotic and their outcome uncertain, such processes are controlled through a few key stakeholders.

And as we witness, the establishment, dictators, governments together with their armed forces make use of all possible means in their pursuit to stay in power and to destroy the opposition and revolutionary movements.

Politics is a process of building power and strength against opposition, with tactics strongly using media, communication and political information dissemination. In itself polity has no interests and means to change. Politics is the process and representation of the citizen’s wishes and desires, reflected through the political system in place.

We need to differentiate politics in a democratic system from an authoritarian political system under a dictatorship. Democratic and representative politics serve to give national leadership, direction, regulation and diplomacy and conflict solving at the international level. The actors in these processes could be compared to the communication, marketing and sales department of a multinational corporation.

Authoritarian political systems and dictatorship uses disinformation, manipulation, repression and coercion and need intelligence, technology, skilled and creative means to allow transformation to happen.

What about the armed forces? The establishment, basically utilitarian and self-sufficient, is seeking by all means, politically and economically to keep the establishment in place and opposing any change. This is why the armed forces are tightly linked and integrated into the political system and government in place.

There is no illusion that change will ever happen. Change rather occurs slowly, at a time step of decades or centuries, in a “laissez-faire” mode, despite the dramatic evidence of climate and environmental change. Power-words such as change, transformation, innovation are used in corporations to keep a hectic working atmosphere and pressure onto the workforce, pretending that change is happening at a dramatic speed. In fact nothing happens, it is just a means of keeping the pressure high and the workforce under control, and down- and rightsize where needed.

Innovation is a systematic and hard work process, mainly driven through science, research and discovery. Today, there is hardly any help out there. We live in a highly competitive environment and we lack the means to innovate. We are in a deadlock situation, because financial sources do not reach the real world and are drying out.

What about philosophy, the “god” or mother of all thinking and knowledge? Philosophical considerations on human rights or intergenerational justice belong in the field of philosophy, and independent of the real changes, the philosopher will continue to philosophize. Everything is explainable from a philosophical standpoint. It is philosophy for philosophy, art for art. There are only few outstanding philosophers with universal philosophies, views and concepts, able to build knowledge taking into account the different cultures and philosophies worldwide. Most mainstream philosophers are trapped in narrow-minded fields and topics, with narrow fixations on a particular historical time and event and do not contribute to fundamental human philosophical questions and considerations.

If we consider the corporate world from the sustainability perspective, most legacy business and corporations are part of the establishment. Their goal is economic sustainability and shareholder value. If they adhere to sustainability, economic considerations have first and prime priority. To quote the economist Milton Friedman (1970): “The social responsibility of business is to increase its profits”. In other terms, only profit and positive numbers can allow a business to also be socially and environmentally sustainable. We have to clearly separate triple-bottom-line sustainable businesses from businesses that perform “green-washing” in pretending being sustainable.

It is just not happening. Our world keeps spinning. Economies proceed on their unsustainable path because politics is not economics, and society does not care. We can’t claim sustainability for society, if society itself and per definition behaves irresponsible and unsustainable. As such, we have no choice to live in our dreams and illusions of natural beauties that once have been, which only exists in our memories and imaginations of a world that could have been.

Humans have lost their innocence. We have become tough, and we want to do it the tough and hard way, destroying and depleting what is left to be destroyed and depleted. We also don’t know what is happening. Despite technology and networks, our perception of the world is biased. Information provided through media is distorted, biased, we get served what we want to have served, as information consumers. The media presents us a voyeuristic and desolate image of the society we have created and we are living in. We are in denial, we have become uncritical, we run away from reality, we close our eyes, ears, mouths. We are accustomed to live our comfortable lives. It is our fate and we have to make the best out of it unless we reach for paradise or a new frontier in our universe, which would by then be well deserved by our future generations.

Still there remains a tiny group of idealist, keeping the small flame of sustainability alive. Idealists, not to say utopists, trying with all means and forces to turn the ship around, embedded in a slow, inert established system. The Don Quijote and the Wind Mill is a good metaphor, us running and trying to change the inert establishment, whose wind wheels continuously and stubbornly rotate in the wind in the middle of nowhere.

We only can succeed in creating a strong and trusted network of equal minded, ignoring the establishment and being smart enough to identify and mitigate the legacy, its lobbying any tactics that try to divert us from our main objective, to build a better planet for today’s and future generations. And we need to reinvent media where we deliver good information, that reaches everybody online.

To build this network we have to find the equal minded in our societies and different cultures, including men and women from the street, scientists, corporations, politicians, economists, and media, who share our vision, who are ready to lead and take risks.

How can we achieve our mission? It seems that technology and technological progress is one important enabler. And then there is “we” and our belief in democracy. Can we do it? What means have we left? The money of the super rich? Don’t count on it. That would be pure speculation. There is a lot of money shifted around, but I doubt that it reaches the real economy. It is rather a bubble, growing and bursting again at some near future. We have to base our livelihoods not on bubbles to become resilient. We have to knit and glue our societies through new values, believes and purposes, we find perhaps in our local traditions and knowledge, that brings and keeps us again together.

Technology can help us to communicate efficiently at low cost. We could live in public places and Starbucks. We have to put more energy in our livings, live healthier with less money. Sharing things, our time, our personal energy, knowledge and skills. Get back to our essentials like food and shelter. We put our values and believes into useless consumption and wasteful living. These times are gone. We created it, it is all there, and we need to use and share it more consciously in our everyday existence. So it is a combination of sharing and making clever use of new technologies, allowing us to share information and stay connected.

Using and sharing of resources on a local scale to build local resilience is the way to go. Local solutions, making use of networking and communication technology locally. Whether for production, logistics and supply of food and water, the production of new knowledge, art and culture, education and social life. Society will transform itself to previous forms, perhaps Amish like lifestyles, enhanced with technology where we can reasonably make use of it to stay connected. Perhaps with climate change we are entering into an era of modern nomads, technology helping and showing us the roads and paths to follow to sustain our livelihoods. Back to the roots, enhanced through information and communication technology to become more resilient, efficient and networked.

Making smart use of information and communication technology, e.g. in sustainable and ecological agriculture, through minimizing the use of resources like water, making better use of energy, better recycling of natural by-products, better use of renewables. Creating a society based on healthy lifestyles, production and use of renewables locally and sharing knowledge and expertise worldwide to help people to develop consciousness and taking better care of the scarce resources and natural environment, living in fair and right democracies.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Hall of Shame

At least 9 casualties and hundreds of persons injured in the latest series of tornados over the United States.

Heartland Institute, it is time to take your responsibilities and acknowledge the Earth’s climate anthropogenic change. Remove your anti-climate change book from your website, the book shelves and book stores, and recycle it! (Don’t burn it!) Redesign and build new content on your website.

To the prestigious number of economy professors at your policy advisory board: do your homework, put a price on fossil fuel and make it a policy. Adapt the economy models in consequence. Otherwise you gonna kill our planet.

The U.S. has by far the highest per capita greenhouse gas emissions, in the past, and today. Fossil fuels can be guzzled almost for nothing. It is time for a change!

In your role it is important to act and behave responsibly on such a crucial issue and take leadership in sustainability seriously. Manipulation and misleading information is the worst thing to do and make your people nervous and insecure.

I don’t want to leave it here. What I propose is that we sit down and put our heads together to find constructive and positive ways forward to tackle the challenges that lead us to a sustainability evolution of our planet. The ball is in your court!